Clery Act Compliance

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (The Clery Act)

The Clery Act is a federal mandate requiring compliance from all institutions of higher education participating in the federal student financial aid program to disclose information about crime on their campuses.

The goal of the Clery Act’s safety and security regulations is to provide students and their families, as higher education consumers, with accurate, complete, and timely information about safety on campus.

Compliance Requirements

  • Tracking all locations used for Parkland’s institutional and educational purposes. 
  • Collecting, classifying and counting crime reports and crime statistics. 
  • Issuing campus alerts to provide the campus community with information necessary to make informed decisions about their health and safety.
    1. Timely warnings/crime alerts for any Clery Act crime that represents an ongoing threat to the safety of students or employees; 
    2. Emergency notifications via Parkland Alerts upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on the campus. 
  • Providing educational programs and campaigns to promote the awareness of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. 
  • Having procedures for institutional disciplinary action in cases of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking.
  • Keeping a daily crime log of alleged criminal incidents that is open to public inspection. 
  • Publishing an annual security report containing safety- and security-related policy statements and crime statistics and distributing it to all current students and employees. The Annual Security Report also informs prospective students and employees about the availability of the report. 
  • Submitting crime statistics to the Department of Education each year in the fall via a web-based data collection to disclose crime statistics by type, location and year.