Strong Passwords



Using Strong Passwords


Passwords are the keys (or partial keys, if you use MFA) to so much of our private and personal information. For this reason, having a strong password is important. Selecting long passwords that are diverse in characters makes them much harder to crack or to guess. 


Here are some pointers for choosing good passwords:


  • Make them long and complex:  Longer is stronger! 
  • Make them random: Use a random string of letters (capitals & lowercase), numbers and symbols.
  • Make them easy to remember: Consider a sentence, punctuation and capitalization included.
  • Length is better than complexity: Ideally, opt for a longer password rather than an overly complex one. You will be more likely to remember it. Aim for 16 characters or more!
  • Use a different password for each site:  Re-using passwords decreases your security! If someone gets hold of your password from one account, they are very likely to try that password on all of your other accounts.


See this Tip Sheet for more information, facts, and figures for password related material.


Using Password Managers


Password Managers are applications, many times available for free, that help you save your passwords in one secure place for later reference. Many of them also offer random, secure password generation and the ability to securely auto-fill websites and applications. This helps you to have unique, complex passwords for each of your sites and resources without having to memorize them all.

Some examples of password managers are:

Please ensure you enable MFA and choose a very strong master password on your password manager.

Enabling MFA

Multi-Factor Authentication

Password Management

Using Strong Passwords and Password Managers

Software Updates

Keeping your software up to date

Phishing Awareness

Recognizing Phishing and reporting it