

Free Workshop to Explore Electrical, HVAC, Industrial Careers

Parkland College to host free career exploration workshop for area high school students featuring HVAC and Industrial Technology...

Behind the scenes of PYGMALION with Seth Fein

Prospectus News reports on the upcoming Pygmalion festival.

Parkland College, Flyover Film Studios Partner to Expand Film Industry in Area

Parkland College will partner with Rantoul-based Flyover Film Studios and two Champaign-based film production companies to expand the...

Parkland College to Offer Grant-Funded Soft Skills Workshops

Parkland College will use part of a statewide grant to provide soft-skills workplace training to District 505 community members,...

ETC: New Food Service Vendor Opens Tuesday

Parkland College has announced the grand opening of its new cafe, Eats, Treats, and Catering (ETC), in the Student Union cafeteria.
