McDonald $500 Writing Challenge

Diana McDonald, a retired Parkland composition instructor, established this writing challenge to encourage and award Parkland student writing that displays a strong voice and unique perspective, written with precise word choice, clear organization, and grammatical and mechanical correctness.

Award image of laptop and book

Writing Challenge

$500 is awarded to the Parkland student essay that best connects personal experiences, insights, and observations to larger, ongoing conversations in our world – politics, philosophy, science, media, justice, family, race, happiness, the environment, or other interests.

The Challenge is open to current Parkland students enrolled in a Humanities Department course (CCS, ENG, FRE, GER, HUM, JPN, LAS, LIT, PHI, REL, SPA) in either Fall 2024 or Spring 2025. Students are encouraged to discuss the essay with an instructor and take advantage of Parkland’s Writing Lab in the Learning Commons for revision suggestions.

Submissions Process:

Deadline: Friday, May 9, 2025, by 5 pm

For more information, email