FYE Faculty Profiles

Nikki O'Brien

Nikki O'Brien MSW, LSW

First Year Experience and Inclusive Learning Coordinator

Teaching FYE 101 at Parkland College for 5 Years

Master of Social Work
University of Pennsylvania

Bachelor of Art in Business/Human Resources
Michigan State University

Best thing about Parkland: I love Parkland for the deep sense of community and all the caring people.

What to expect in my FYE class: A warm, caring environment filled with resources and information to help you navigate campus life and thrive in your college experience.

Hobbies & Interests: I lived in Michigan for 20 years and love the fall and winter seasons best. My hobbies are all cozy: reading, baking, and knitting – enjoyed with a hot cup of tea!


Sarah V. Benevento

Sarah V. Benevento MA

Adjunct Faculty, First Year Experience

First year teaching FYE at Parkland; This is my second year at Parkland – I also teach in the Communication Program here. I previously taught at the University of Illinois and as a public school teacher in Philadelphia.

Masters in Communication
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Bachelor Degrees in Communication and Psychology 
University of Delaware

Best thing about Parkland: I love the community and authenticity of everyone in it!

What to expect in my FYE class: Students can expect a space to stay connected and be supported as you learn and experience this part of your life.

Hobbies & Interests: I love sports, long walks, science-fiction, and punk music! I also love learning about trains and hope to take several of the longest routes around the world one day.


Dr. Amber Floyd

Dr. Amber Floyd DSW, LSW

Adjunct Faculty, First Year Experience

First Year Teaching FYE 101 at Parkland College Fall 2024
I have also taught various courses on the University of Illinois campus pertaining to Social Identity, Diversity, Intersectionality, and Psychology.

Education and Degrees:
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bachelors of Social Work; Masters of Social Work

Aurora University
Doctorate of Social Work

The best thing about Parkland: The resources! Parkland has an amazing set of resources and systems available to its students and staff. I am a big fan of The Bandana Project!

What students can expect in your FYE class: Interactive learning enhanced by real-life experiences – I want us all to learn from each other and create an environment that sets us up for success.

Hobbies & Interests: Enjoying quality time with family and friends, Trying new local restaurants (Email me recommendations 😊), Going to festivals and concerts, Traveling as a form of self-care!


Laura Ford

Laura Ford M.A.

Adjunct Faculty, First Year Experience

First Semester Teaching FYE 101 at Parkland College, with 1 year experience teaching FYE.

Masters in Administrative Leadership
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Bachelor of Arts in History
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

What to expect in my FYE class:Students can expect a collaborative and reflective environment. We spend a lot of time taking the information that we know and applying it to your real life. I want students to be able to leave FYE feeling like they are better prepared to actionably, realistically, and attainably make changes to help them be successful in college and beyond. 

Hobbies & Interests: I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, and working out. 


Dale Gardner

Dale Gardner Ph.D.

Adjunct Faculty, First Year Experience and Political Science

Teaching FYE 101 at Parkland College for 6 years

Ph.D. in Political Science


Kevin Hastings

Kevin Hastings M.Ed.

Faculty Chair, Mathematics

Teaching FYE 101 at Parkland College for 14 years

Master in Mathematics
Eastern Illinois University

Bachelors in Mathematics, Option in Teacher Certification
Eastern Illinois University

Best thing about Parkland: Small class sizes and great people to work with

What to expect from my FYE class: How to successfully navigate the Parkland Pathways Engineering Road to a career and what it might be like if they decide an engineering degree ultimately might not be for them. These tips will come not only from course curriculum, but from many students who have successfully navigated through these challenges within the last 1-10 years.

Hobbies & Interests: Sharing time with family and friends, helping on the family farm, playing the organ, watching Cardinal and MLB baseball in general, watching Fighting Illini and College Basketball in general.


Noah Hunt

Noah Hunt M.S.

Adjunct Faculty, First Year Experience

Teaching FYE 101 at Parkland College for 3 Years
2 Semesters Life Skills Instructor for the Parkland HCCTP (Highway Construction Careers Training Program)

Master of Science in Recreation, Sport, and Tourism
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Bachelor of Science
Union University

Best thing about Parkland: Being part of the Cobra culture

What to expect in my FYE class: An inviting classroom where relationships are built and discussions are based on your college experience

Hobbies & Interests: Golf, traveling & Illini sports


Samantha Kirkton

Samantha Kirkton M.A.

Dual Credit Faculty

1 Year Teaching FYE 101 for Parkland 
K-12 Guidance Counselor DeLand-Weldon CUSD #57

Masters in School Counseling
Governors State University

Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Illinois State University

The best thing about teaching Dual Credit is getting to share my passion for post-secondary planning with my students.

What students can expect in my FYE class: A small group setting that lends itself to group discussions and critical analysis of seeking a successful college experience.

Hobbies & Interests: My husband and I are both educators living in Bloomington and we enjoy supporting our alma mater, Illinois State University. We are Bears and Blackhawks fans. I also enjoy reading, mostly Historical Fiction and Psychological Thrillers. Other hobbies include baking/cooking and digging for treasures at thrift shops and garage sales.  


Charles Larenas

Charles Larenas M.Ed.

Associate Professor, Education

Teaching FYE 101 at Parkland for 15 years, including athletes for 10 of those years.

Master of Education
University of Illinois

Certificate of Advanced Study in Curriculum and Instruction, University of Illinois

Bachelors in Advertising
University of Illinois

Best thing about Parkland: The students

What to expect in my FYE class: To learn how to balance their school with their other obligations. To have fun but learn.

Hobbies & Interests: Swimming, biking, running


Martin Morris

Martin Morris Ed.S.

Adjunct Faculty, First Year Experience and Aviation

First Semester Teaching FYE at Parkland College Fall 2024
12+ years of teaching
10+ years as a Training Facilitator in the Transportation Industry

Specialist in Educational Administration
Eastern Illinois University

The best thing about Parkland:
The positive energy from students and staff at Parkland is evident all over the campus. We share the same goal, student success, and I am proud to be a part of that adventure at Parkland.

What students can expect in your FYE class:
Students will engage in taking their previous experiences and finding the lessons that life has provided to elevate them to new heights. It is not only about learning how to create and attain goals, but how to enjoy the journey.

Hobbies & Interests:
My family is, of course, my favorite hobby. I enjoy aviation, traveling, music, all sports, and getting outside to explore nature.

Lauren Winterbotham

Lauren Winterbotham M.Ed.

Adjunct Faculty, First Year Experience

Teaching FYE 101 at Parkland College for 6 years, with 15 total years teaching FYE.

Master of Education
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Bachelor of Arts
Northern Illinois University

Best thing about Parkland: The students are fantastic and my favorite population that I have ever taught! They are incredibly open, eager, and willing to learn. 

What to expect in my FYE class: The goal of my classroom is to create an open, inclusive, and welcoming space for all students that is student-centered and discussion based. My hope is that students learn more about themselves, gain a sense of belonging at Parkland College, and gain the capital to successfully navigate their college experience and beyond. 

Hobbies & Interests: I am a wife and a mother to two wonderful children- so I enjoy a lot of family time and memory making! I also own my own photography business specializing in family photography. In my spare time, I enjoy working out, baking, listening to indie folk music, and reading more about personal development. 


Hannah Yeam

Hannah Yeam M.Ed.

Dual Credit Faculty

Teaching FYE 101 at Parkland College for 5 years
18+ years of teaching
Rantoul Township High School English Teacher, Language Team Leader, Student Council Advisor, Teacher Mentor

Masters of Education
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Graduate Certificate in Teaching of Writing
Eastern Illinois University

Bachelors in Liberal Arts and Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Best thing about Parkland:  the wide range of opportunities available for all learners to pursue high quality degrees and certifications in a supportive environment.

What to expect in my FYE class: An open, encouraging environment that meets you where you are in order to help prepare you for the next steps of your education and career.

Hobbies & Interests: running, watching/playing sports, traveling (especially Disney World), reading/listening to self-development books
