

Parkland College Women's Soccer ID Camp July 27

Parkland College Women's Soccer will hold a High School ID Camp on Saturday, July 27, from noon to 2 p.m. at Parkland...

New Food Service Vendor Selected for Parkland College

Parkland College will welcome a new food service provider for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Parkland College Women's Soccer ID Camps Begin June 22

Parkland College Women's Soccer will hold two High School ID Camps in June.

Parkland College Trustees Hear Marketing Report, Approve FY25 Purchases

The Parkland College Board of Trustees approved key purchases ahead of the new fiscal year.

Parkland College Announces New Mechanical Line Technician Apprenticeship

Parkland College announced the launch of the first-in-the-nation USDOL-registered apprenticeship program for mechanical line technicians.