
Parkland College to Return to In-Person Instruction for Fall 2021

Parkland College to Return to In-Person Instruction for Fall 2021

Parkland College to offer in-person classes this fall

Parkland College will return to in-person instruction for the fall semester and invites students and the community back to campus.

As part of the statewide reopening of the economy, Parkland College will once again offer a full range of in-person course options for the Fall 2021 semester.

Other modes of instruction, such as hybrid, flexible, and fully online, will still be available for those who prefer virtual learning.

As outlined by the State of Illinois' Phase 5 guidelines, masks will not be required on campus for fully vaccinated individuals. Vaccinations will not be required for attendance.

Support structures that helped facilitate online learning will still be in place for returning students, such as loanable technology and additional funding opportunities. Student service offices, such as Admissions, Financial Aid, and the Cashier's office, will be returning to their normal (pre-pandemic) hours.

New academic support hub. Additionally, Parkland will be launching its new Learning Commons in July. This physical and virtual hub for learning will unify multiple student support departments to create a space for students to connect with faculty, tutors, and peers. With its base location in the Parkland Library, the new Learning Commons will provide access to print and electronic information resources, academic support services, and instructional technology.

Late-Summer classes start July 6! Sign up by July 5 at

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