
Employer Campus Visit Day, Nov. 14
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Employer Campus Visit Day, Nov. 14

South Lounge, 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Students, please come dressed as you are to the next Employer Campus Visit Day, Nov. 14, 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the South Lounge.  Individaul students AND classes are encouraged to attend! Why dress casual?

This is not a job fair! It's a chance to practice professional communication skills and learn about career tracks within specific companies/industries. The event is limited to 10 employers; they may have current openings, but they will also be available to answer questions you may have about their company/industry.


Why should you be interested?  

You can practice professional communication skills, learn about career tracks within specific companies/industries, and apply for part-time or full-time job openings.

How do you approach an employer?

First, consider your body language. Take a deep breath, try to relax, and smile! A  positive attitude goes a long way.

How do I start the conversation?

Sample questions you may want to ask are:

  • What entry level positions in (enter your career field) are available in your company and what kinds of people are you looking for to fill them?
  • What types of people do well within your organization?
  • What are the key skills you are looking for in new hires?
  • What degrees or programs of study are most desirable within your company?
  • What types of experiences are most valuable to you when hiring (leadership, research, volunteering, etc)?
  • What part-time or internship opportunities does your company/organization offer?

Career Services provides individual career appointments as well as classroom presentations on a variety of job related topics. To inquire further, please email or visit our website

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