Parkland College is excited to host Illinois' first Apprenticeship Accelerator in partnership with 
Champaign County Regional Planning Commission, Jobs for the Future, and Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center

Apprenticeship Accelerator
Friday, September 15, 2023 | 12 – 4 pm
Parkland Tony Noel Ag Tech Center, room W115

Join us for an exciting introduction to Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAP) as a model to strengthen your workforce pipeline. You’ll hear from employers who have integrated this model into their workforce training and learn how you can retain a highly productive workforce while offering career seekers affordable paths to high-paying jobs.

Transform Your Workforce Through Apprenticeships

  • Are you short of employees?
  • Are you concerned about the lack of a skilled and quality talent pool for the long-term?
  • Are you interested in learning more about a proven and strategic approach to solving your skilled workforce shortage dilemma?

Please Join Us:

Hear from a panel of experts about the benefits of Apprenticeships, funding opportunities, employer testimonials, and how to get started!

Apprenticeships can provide:

A way to reduce the cost of hiring and recruitment | A highly skilled & productive workforce | An opportunity to improve employee loyalty and build a positive company culture

Register by September 10 – Space is Limited:

Make plans to attend and join us for an interactive and informative event on how you and your company can proactively solve your hiring issues and training challenges with a proven and strategic solution. It works!



Questions? Please call or email Aimee Densmore, Parkland College, Program Manager for Workforce Partnerships @ or 217/373-3838