
Health Professions/General Open House Oct. 28

Health Professions/General Open House Oct. 28

Explore Parkland's academic programs, campus life, support services

Explore Parkland College academic programs, campus life, support services and more during the school's Health Professions/General Open House. This event will take place Friday, Oct. 28 from noon to 2 p.m. in the Student Union atrium and in the L and H buildings for its Health Professions programs. Please register here. Designed for high school students, parents of college-bound students, and community members, the open house allows visitors to tour the campus; have their questions answered from admissions, financial aid, and counseling representatives; and explore the college. The Health Professions portion of the open house will take place in the L wing of the main campus and at the H building located in Parkland on Mattis, 1309 N. Mattis Ave. in Champaign. The Dental Hygiene, Nursing, Practical Nursing, Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Care, Surgical Technology, and Veterinary Technology programs will be featured in the L wing, while the Emergency Medical Services, Fire Service, Massage Therapy, Medical Assisting, Nursing Assistant, Occupational Therapy programs will be featured at the H building. Please register for the open house here. For more information, contact Admissions and Records at 217/351-2482 or

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