
Veterans Day Ceremony, Nov. 12
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Veterans Day Ceremony, Nov. 12

Event to commemorate 100th anniversary of end of WWI

Parkland College honors the men and women who serve in the U.S. military. The college will hold a 2018 Veterans Day ceremony Monday, Nov. 12 at 11 a.m. in the stage area of the Student Union (U building). The public is invited to attend.

On this Veterans Day, Nov. 11, the country will be commemorating the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. 

Parkland's brief ceremony includes the posting of colors by the University of Illinois ROTC; singing of the National Anthem by Parkland alum Joseph Kirby; a welcome by Parkland College President Dr. Thomas Ramage, an Army National Guard veteran; and the presentation of campus veterans/order of service by Tim Wendt, Parkland's director of enrollment services and an Army veteran.

Champaign County American Legion Cmdr. Ronnie Turner-Winston, an Air Force veteran, will provide the featured speech. Elijah Ramirez, a Marine veteran and president of the Student Veterans at Parkland (SVAP) group, will provide closing remarks.There will also be a moment of silence with the playing of the "Bells of Peace" (a national World War I remembrance) before the retiring of the colors.

The 2018 Veterans Day observance is sponsored by the Student Veterans Association at Parkland (SVAP).

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