
Parkland, Farm Bureau to Host Breakfast on Hemp Farming

Parkland, Farm Bureau to Host Breakfast on Hemp Farming

Panel of experts to discuss hemp as a growing commodity

Parkland College and the Champaign County Farm Bureau will host a breakfast to discuss hemp as a growing commodity.

The breakfast will be held Friday, Sept. 13 from 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Parkland's Tony Noel Agricultural Technology Applications Center, Room W115. A panel of experts will be on hand to provide a brief history of hemp and cover uses, growing considerations, current state and federal regulations, and business opportunities in this developing industry. Speakers include Bill Bodine, associate director of state legislation, Illinois Farm Bureau; Stacy McCaskill, executive director, Illinois SBDC at Sauk Valley Community College; and Mike Doherty, Illinois Farm Bureau's senior economist and policy analyst.

A registration fee of $25 by Sept. 6 reserves a seat at the breakfast. To register, visit or call 217/351-2235. 

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