
Parkland College Enrollments Rally for Summer, Fall 2023

Parkland College Enrollments Rally for Summer, Fall 2023

Parkland College Continues to Show an Upswing in 2023 Summer and Fall Enrollment.

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Parkland College continues to show an upswing in 2023 summer and fall enrollment, college trustees learned during their regular meeting Wednesday. Dean of Enrollment Kristin Smigielski presented the Parkland College Board of Trustees with end-of-semester enrollment data for Spring 2023, census-date data for Summer 2023, and data trends for Fall. After facing a years-long decline in enrollment, including double-digit declines during the pandemic, college administrators are relieved by the current course-registration trajectory. "It's exciting to see that more people are choosing Parkland College, whether new high school graduates, U of I concurrent enrollees needing fundamental physics and other sciences courses, or area employees who want to grow their careers through workforce training programs," said Dr. Michael Trame, vice president for student services. "Parkland's mission continues to be to engage our students and district communities in learning, and we do so by providing educational programs and services of a high quality." Board members also voted to resubmit a capital improvement project under the Resource Allocation Management (RAMP), a State of Illinois funding program. The RAMP funds would pay for a new Physical Sciences Training Center, which would provide new chemistry and biology laboratories and classrooms equipped with the latest technology as well as study and office spaces. The local growth in health professions and in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) industries will allow for expanding enrollment in these programs. After receiving updates from President Pamela Lau and Stephanie Stuart, vice president for strategic partnerships and workforce innovation, trustees reviewed the tentative budget for fiscal year 2024. The proposed budget will be published in The News-Gazette prior to final approval at the board's September meeting. In other business, trustees approved:

  • the filing of the following grant applications:
    • Congressionally Directed Spending Request: FY2023 Community Project Funding Application--Health Professions Improvement
    • Illinois Community College Board: FY2024 Pipeline for the Advancement of the Healthcare Workforce (PATH)
    • Illinois Board of Higher Education: Illinois Cooperative Work Study Program (ICWS)
    • U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs: Bulletproof Vest Partnership
  • the acceptance of funds from external sources:
    • Illinois Department of Human Services and Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (INCCRRAA): Strengthen and Grow Child Care Grants (Round 6)
    • Illinois Community College Board: Trades School Program Grant
    • Local Workforce Development Board 17--LWIA 17 Youth Committee: WIOA Youth Programming
    • Illinois Green Economy Network: FY23 Supplemental Funding Grant
  • personnel appointments and modifications: 
    • Amberle Browne, Faculty Chemistry Tenure Track, Natural Sciences
    • Wendy Evans, Director, Institute of Aviation
    • Sarah Hartman, Director, Admissions and Records
    • Kelsey McClurg-Pyle, Inventory Manager, Natural Sciences and Health Professions
    • Krishna Thomas, Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
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